So here we are in Lockdown 3, Day 6. Today would have been my Mum's 109th birthday. She did make it to 90 though!
Lockdown 3 doesn't feel like Lockdown 1. Went for a run yesterday morning at about 7.45am and must have seen about 25 vehicles between here and Wyverstone - 3km distance!
Also, it was quite interesting to see about 8 vehicles - large lorry, vans and private cars - all at one house development. Just the one, maybe 4 bedroom, house being built, and it looked like only internal fixes etc. required as it was watertight before Christmas. Social-distancing must have been tricky!!!
Good to see the potholes in Westhorpe being planed and filled, and I even saw one operative wearing a mask! Did feel rather sorry for the young man on patrol at the furthest road closed signs to help those needing to go through rather than follow the diversions. What would he have done without his mobile phone - didn't even look up when I trotted past!
Those we have seen out walking in the hamlet have been very considerate and conversations take place at 2 metres distance at least. In fact we could have been practicing for any new 3 metre rule that may be introduced this afternoon. Wasn't it good to see the sun for a while though.
Anyway enough of Covid, although whilst out on our walk a friend WhatsApp'ed to say she had tested positive and managed to close down a Nursery and be the first at her school to test positive. Probably doesn't want to be remembered for that! All is good though as she feels fine.
The year has started with some lovely frosty days and here are a few of the photos. FB readers will have seen them already but not everyone uses FB .
053430 Sunset over Daisy Green , Gt. Ashfield, Suffolk |
053437 View across Fields, Daisy Green, Suffolk |
053446 Frosty Trees, Sheepgate Lane, Long Thurlow Area, Suffolk |
053451 Frosty Trees, Sheepgate Lane, Long Thurlow Area, Suffolk |
053458 Frosty Hedgerow, Badwell Green, Long Thurlow Area, Suffolk |
053460 Frost on Plant Head, Sheepgate Lane, Long Thurlow Area, Suffolk |
053467 Frosty Hedgerow, Sheepgate Lane, Long Thurlow Area, Suffolk |
053475 Frosty Hedgerow, Hopbines Garden, Long Thurlow, Suffolk |
053481 Frost on Holly, Hopbines Garden, Long Thurlow, Suffolk |
More ramblings soon.
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